Down Our Street
Well it's of a gang and a band of fools
They're all out having a wild carouse
And there's skin and whiskers flying loose Down our Street
Down our street
There are married men and ladies fair
Dancing mad in the midnight air
And there's several jawbones missing, where?
Down our Street
The landlord never get his rent (Down our street)
For when he calls we haven't a cent (Down our street)
Well he says he'll never call again
He'll have the baliffs around by ten
There'll be plenty of houses to let by then (Down our street)
Down our street
There are married men and ladies fair
Dancing mad in the midnight air
And there's several jawbones missing, where?
Down our street
The collector does a lively trade (Down our street)
For all have bought but none have paid (Down our street)
And when he comes to get his own
He's dead before he starts to moan
Now we're building a graveyard of our own (Down our street)
Down our street
There are married men and ladies fair
Dancing mad in the midnight air
And there's several jawbones missing, where?
Down our street
Salvation army came around last night (Down our street)
They were trying to teach us wrong from right (Down our street)
The sisters they began to moan
The person spoke in a shnuffly aul tone
He was hit on the head with a raw hambone (Down our street)
Down our street
There are married men and ladies fair
Dancing mad in the midnight air
And there's several jawbones missing, where?
Down our Street
Well a policeman once he hit Muldoon (Down our street)
Says Muldoon there'll be a funeral soon (Down our street)
They took off their coats to fight one round
And when Muldoon got off the ground
A policeman's whiskers was all they found (Down our street)
Down our street
There are married men and ladies fair
Dancing mad in the midnight air
And there's several jawbones missing, where?
Down our street
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What a Time