The Recruiting Sergeant
Dave Richardson
Well as I was going along the road
A-feeling fine and larky
A recruiting sergeant says to me
"You'd look fine in khaki
Our king he is in need of men
Come read his proclamation
Live in Flanders now me boys
Would make a fine vacation
Well I turned around and I says to him,
"Now tell me sergeant dearie,
If I'd a pack stuck on me back,
Do you think I'd look cheery?
You'd make me drill and train
Until I'd damn near lost me senses.
It might be warm in Flanders,
But it's draughty in the trenches."
Well he turned around his wee bit cane
And then he looked provokin'
He twisted and twisted his wee moustache,
Says he, "You must be jokin'.
Them sandbags are so nice and warm,
The wine will keep you glowin'.
The cailins will take a shine to you,"
Says I, "What if it's snowin'?"
"Come rain or hail or wind or shine,
I'm not going out to Flanders.
There's fightin' on in Dublin town
With your Captains and Commanders.
Let Englishmen fight English wars,
It's bloody near time they started."
So I tipped me hat to the sergeant bold
And then I fondly parted.
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What a Time