Wheel the Perambulator
Traditional Arrangement The Black Family
Well now we've got the baby
And what a babe she is
Her eyes are green, she's quite a queen
We call her pretty Liz
And every night when I get home
Me wife she says to me
Get the perambulator John
And don't go far away
Wheel the perambulator John
Wheel it nice and slow
Don't ged riled, mind the child
Careful as you go
When you turn the corner John
When you cross the road
Just cock your front wheels up a bit
Or over goes the load
Last time I took the baby out
It was in the pram
I turned the bloomin' thing upside-down
I don't know where I am
I cracked the baby's head
And I took a piece off her nose
And now I daren't go home
For fear of my wife Rose
The other night when we went out
We left the babe behind
I said to me wife
I think you're very kind
But as we were awalkin' along
We met with Mrs Gray
She had the perambulator
And she was goin' our way
Repeart first verse
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The Black Family
original version